b. egg*3, milk 40g
c. 低粉150g, b.p. 1/4 tsp, b.s. 1/4 tsp, 巧克力粉20g
d. raisin 1cup, rum
e. walnut some
-preprocessing: soak raisins in rum until all raisins are soft
1. mix a. together and heat it up (through water)
2. wait until 1. to cool down, then add one egg at a time (stir after adding an egg until all mixed)
3. filter all in c.. Add them little by little into the chocolate-egg paste and stir. add milk to adjust the texture.
4. add the soft raisins (water squeezed) into the mixed paste. pour paste into the mode and bake under 175 Celsius for 30mins. Wait until completely cooled down to cut.